Ørsted to Unveil Early Proposals for Hornsea Project Four

A series of local information events will be hosted by Ørsted to introduce early-stage proposals for Hornsea Project Four Offshore Wind Farm.

Hornsea Project Four is a new offshore wind farm which Ørsted is proposing to develop in the North Sea, approximately 65 km off Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire Coast.


Ørsted is investigating an offshore wind farm area for a project of up to 860km2, where up to 180 turbines could be located to provide a significant amount of clean, renewable energy.


The offshore wind farm area would be located to the west of the Hornsea Project One and Hornsea Project Two Offshore Wind Farms, which are currently under construction. Ørsted also operates 11 offshore wind farms around the UK.


Proposals for Hornsea Project Four are still at a very early stage in the development process, but the company is inviting local residents to attend the information events across East Riding of Yorkshire to find out more about the project, view early plans and to provide initial feedback.


The first round of events will be held on:


  • Monday 22 October from 2pm to 8pm, at Foston on the Wolds Village Hall, Main Street, Foston on the Wolds, YO25 8BJ
  • Thursday 25 October from 2pm to 8pm, at Barmston and Fraisthorpe Village Hall, Sands Lane, Barmston, YO25 8PG
  • Friday 26 October from 2pm to 8pm, at Leconfield Village Hall, Miles Lane, Leconfield, HU17 7NW
  • Saturday 27 October from 10:30am to 4pm, at Woodmansey Village Hall, Long Lane, Beverley, HU17 0RN

In preparation for the events, a Scoping Report is being prepared which will present desk-based research on the existing onshore and offshore environments in the location of the proposed project – copies of the report will be available at the events and via the project website (www.Hornseaprojects.co.uk/Hornsea-Project-Four).

After each set of local information events, all feedback received will be carefully considered and key findings will be summarised in a Consultation Summary Report, which will also be available online. Further local information events will be held in 2019.


Stuart Livesey, Project Development Manager at Ørsted, said: “Proposals for Hornsea Project Four Offshore Wind Farm are still at a very early stage and there is a great deal of consultation and assessment work ahead. As the global leader in offshore wind, we take our responsibilities to the communities in which we build and operate our projects very seriously. We’d encourage any interested individuals and groups to attend the events, so they can better understand what is being proposed and the project team can capture their thoughts and comments. Understanding what issues are most important for the local community is key, and the feedback gathered at these events will help us to shape our proposal going forward.”


For anyone who cannot attend the events, project documents will also be available at a number of community access points and via the project website (www.Hornseaprojects.co.uk/Hornsea-Project-Four).


  • Beverley Customer Service Centre, 7 Cross Street, Beverley, HU17 9AX
  • Bridlington Customer Service Centre, Bridlington Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP
  • Cottingham Centre, Market Green, Cottingham, HU16 5QG
  • Goole Customer Service Centre, Council Offices, Church Street, Goole, DN14 5BG
  • Pocklington Pocela Centre, 23 Railway Street, Pocklington, YO42 2QU
  • Hornsea Customer Service Centre, Council Offices, 75 Newbegin, Hornsea, HU18 1PA
  • Withernsea Centre, Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH



For more information contact miday@orsted.com

For more information, please contact:

Mike Day
UK Media Relations
+44 (0) 7767 008893