P3P makes new revenue through DONG Energy’s renewable balancing scheme

Recognising an opportunity to generate revenue from the electricity produced as a by-product of the growing process, P3P looked for a solution that would complement their participation in other Demand Side Response (DSR) schemes. Through DONG Energy's RBR, P3P provided its customer with a cost and penalty-free way to unlock this potential.
RBR monitors system imbalance and alerts participants when there is an opportunity to help balance the system. Having set its desired strike price per MWh of flexibility through an online portal each month, a participant can then decide whether to respond to alerts during that period; by exporting more energy at the specified times. Responses from customers help DONG Energy reduce system imbalance charges from the grid and RBR customers receive a share of the savings, along with their chosen strike price. Although the scheme is available 24/7 and all year round, there's no obligation to respond to an alert.
P3P's Energy Manager said:
"This is an entirely risk-free way to earn new revenue. There's no obligation to participate, it's easy to use, and DONG Energy's customer support is good. If you get a call but can't respond, it doesn't matter. When we're able to respond, I can do so remotely, activating the engine from my phone. It's so simple and otherwise has no impact on the running of the site, so you really can't lose."
RBR is just one of the ways in which DONG Energy is helping businesses to derive benefit from smarter energy management.
Sales and Marketing Director at DONG Energy Sales UK, Ashley Phillips, said:
"We're committed to helping the UK achieve a cleaner, greener energy future. Renewable Balancing Reserve is just one of a portfolio of energy management solutions which we have developed in-house to help businesses reduce costs and create revenue through greater flexibility, whilst also providing an invaluable balancing service to the grid; helping to make our vision of a 100% renewable energy future a reality."
The full P3P case study can be viewed here.