Ørsted encourages UK suppliers to “grasp opportunity” from world’s biggest offshore wind farm

  • World’s biggest offshore wind farm will be built here in UK
  • Supply Chain Event to take place on 14th November at the Magna Science Adventure Centre
  • Ørsted and Tier One suppliers to provide overview on opportunities for UK businesses

Businesses looking to attend should register their place here

Photo credit: Ashley Cooper
Photo credit: Ashley Cooper

Ørsted, the global leader in offshore wind, is holding an event to encourage potential UK suppliers to learn more about how they can benefit from its latest offshore wind farm.


Hornsea Project Two will be located 89km off the Yorkshire Coast and when fully operational in 2022, will become the world’s biggest offshore wind farm, capable of powering well over 1.3 million UK homes throughout its operating life of at least 25 years.


The event will be held at Magna Science Adventure Centre, 5 minutes from M1 Jn 33/34, and both the project team and tier one suppliers, will be on hand to help businesses understand the opportunities the 1.4GW wind farm will bring to the UK.


Duncan Clark, Programme Director for Hornsea Projects One and Two, said: “We’re committed to developing and growing a UK supply chain that can not only support our projects, but export to projects worldwide as the offshore wind industry grows.


“Hornsea Project Two is an unprecedented infrastructure project that will involve hundreds of contractors. As well as the larger and specialised components, like the turbines and the foundations, it of course requires smaller or standardised components and services such as electrical equipment, fasteners and cables.


“This event is not only so UK suppliers are aware of Hornsea Project Two and understand how they can be involved, it’s about linking them up with Tier One suppliers so they can work together to meet the needs of the supply chain at all levels from an early stage.


“We want to make sure that UK companies focus the right capabilities to grasp the business opportunities, brought by this project, and also from the rapid, international growth of the industry. Offshore wind exports could grow five-fold by 2030 and the UK supply chain needs to be ready to leverage and benefit from this clean growth revolution.”


In the past five years alone, Ørsted has placed major contracts with nearly 100 different UK companies to help build and maintain their offshore wind farms. The majority of these contracts have a value of over £1 million and more than 75% of these companies have received multiple contracts. Many more tier two firms have also benefitted by working with these tier 1 suppliers.


The event will take place from 09:45 – 16:00 at the Magna Science Adventure Centre, on Wednesday 14th November. Businesses looking to attend should register their place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hornsea-project-two-supply-chain-event-tickets-48906503669


For more information, please contact:

Juliette Sanders
Head of Media
+44 (0) 7876 866 284