Domestic market - several businesses collapse
As more suppliers stop trading, Ofgem reviews conditions for market entry and ongoing business operations for suppliers.

Date | Company subject to SoLR | SoLR awardee | Costs claimed from industry |
July 2018 | Iresa | Octopus Energy | Yes. £13.2m (£5.92m gas, £7.23m electricity) |
September 2018 | GEN 4U | Octopus Energy | Unknown, no claim to date |
October 2018 | USIO | First Utility | Yes. First Utility committed to the lowest amount |
November 2018 | Extra Energy | Scottish Power | Yes. ‘Partly by Scottish Power and partly by idustry levy’ |
November 2018 | Spark Energy | OVO Energy | Yes. ‘Partly by OVO Energy and partly by industry levy’ |
December 2018 | OneSelect | Together Energy (Eddington Energy) | Yes. ‘Partly by Together Energy and partly by industry levy’ |
January 2019 | Economy Energy | OVO Energy | No. OVO committed to paying credit balances in full |
January 2019 | Our Power | Utilitia | No. Utilitia has agreed to paying all costs |
Due to recent supplier collapses, Ofgem is reviewing the process for granting new supply licences. This is focussed on two areas:
Conditions for suppliers entering the market
New supplier applicants should be able to show they have:
Ofgem is also proposing to licence suppliers closer to their planned market entry, so that new entrants have better information available to demonstrate how they meet the new assessment criteria.
Ongoing requirements, monitoring and engagement
Options include:
You can read the review here.
You can read our latest regulatory report here