Ørsted and Ron Dearing UTC ’s partnership has been established for over six years. During that time Ørsted has provided funding for the ‘Ørsted library’ where students can carry out research and independent study and now for this new expansion, which opened last week.
The STEAM Studios, in the former Hull Central Fire Station, will prepare students for exciting careers in the creative sector. It will also be used to educate engineering students about opportunities in renewable energy and support a renewed focus on decarbonisation, sustainability, and renewables, helping underpin the Humber’s growth as a leading hub for green energy technology.
The site has been renovated and repurposed to create a cutting-edge hub including a gallery and exhibition space, digital and photography studios, 2D and 3D studios, as well as an additional sixth form independent study centre.
The expansion has enabled the UTC to increase its capacity from 600 to 800 students in response to huge demand for student places.
The funding Ørsted has provided has also ensured the STEAM Studios building is as energy efficient as possible.
Lauren McGee, Ørsted’s Head of Site for the Hornsea 3 offshore wind farm, said: “Ørsted is so proud to support STEAM Studios. We have a passion for inspiring the next generation into roles within the renewable energy sector. Our investment in the independent learning facilities at RDUTC and the Digital Lab in STEAM Studios is a great example of our commitment to investing in young people and education.
“With the offshore wind sector predicted to have 100,000 careers in the UK by 2030, our partnership with Ron Dearing UTC facilitates powerful, employer-led learning that gives students the chance to hear and work with real industries while learning skills that will help them in their future jobs.”
The school’s unique curriculum created in conjunction with the region’s leading employers to address the STEM skills gap has been such a success that it has been over-subscribed every year since its opening.
The school, which has been oversubscribed every year since it opened its doors in 2017, has already filled all its additional places and reached its new capacity – a year ahead of schedule.
Ron Dearing UTC Principal Sarah Pashley said: “STEAM Studios is an incredible facility which is perfect for our rapidly expanding creative pathways. We’re delighted to be able to offer more students a Ron Dearing education and it’s really positive to have hit our recruitment target a year early – which further demonstrates the demand for places and the need for this expansion.
“We’re keen to become a centre of creativity for the community and this has been a hugely exciting project which was a real team effort from everyone involved.
“We’re exceptionally grateful to Ørsted for their backing, to our fantastic Founding and Major Partners for their sponsorship funding, and to the Department for Education for the multi-million-pound grant from its Post-16 Capacity Fund to make this possible.
“The building is amazing. Everyone involved has worked really hard to retain its history and integrity while transforming it into a high-tech creative facility which is also a low carbon building – quite a challenge!”
Read more about Ørsted's support with UTCs here.